Ever since the pre-order links for KILLER CONTENT started going live (April 4, 2020 if you’re keeping track), I’ve been shouting the news into the universe.

But really, what’s the Big Deal? I mean, the book isn’t even out until Feb 2, 2021. That’s like a looooong time from now (3 months and a few hours as of the writing of this blog).

Here’s the Big Deal.

Pre-orders are VITAL to a book’s success.

Pre-orders are great for readers – a lot of places can ship and get the physical book in reader’s hands on release day. Which is like, really cool. Personally for me, there is nothing quite like the notification on my phone that a book I ordered about months ago is now available on my Nook/Kindle/Audible account/package on my doorstep. It’s especially great when – I don’t know, just shooting in the dark here – the World Is On Fire and sometimes we forget that Good Things do still exist. The other thing is when you order a book months in advance when it shows up, it’s like an unexpected gift you almost forgot about! Yay!

Pre-orders show bookstores and publishers that there is interest in a book, which makes it easier to plan how many copies to release and how many future books to order from the author. It helps get the book stocked and ready to sell. Pre-orders go a LONG way to determine sales ranking and other lists, which are often based on the initial sales. The more pre-orders a book has, the more likely it is that the publisher will order more books from that series or author.

I gotta admit, there’s a drawback to preorders too, from a consumer’s point of view. When books first drop, the full price might be too expensive for your budget. We’ve all been there! When money’s tight, we tend to wait for sales which is totally legit and completely understandable! So contact your local library and request to borrow KILLER CONTENT – not only will you get in on top of the wait list, but it will encourage your local branch to order copies.

Whether you won a free copy of KILLER CONTENT in a pre-release sweepstakes, pre-ordered and paid full price, bought it on sale, borrowed it from a library, or found it at a second-hand store I’m so excited and honored that you read my book and I hope you loved it!

But if you pre-ordered, you just went a long way towards ensuring that there’s a Book Two. And a Book Three. And a Book Thirty.

Oh, I’d be remiss if I didn’t post the pre-order links here. Totally for your convenience.


Amazon Barnes & Noble Bookshop.org Books-A-Million
Hudson Booksellers Indie Bound Target Powell's
Penguin Random House


Amazon Kindle Apple eBooks Barnes & Noble NookBooks-A-Million
Google Play Kobo


Audible Google Play Kobo Libro.fm

Why Pre-Orders are Vital