How do you break into publishing?

It’s a question I – and most writers I know – get a lot. It is easily the most common question. It can be phrased many ways from “I’ve written a book. What next?” to “I have a great idea. How do I get it into bookstores?”

First and foremost, there is no one right way. There is no easy way, and there are no shortcuts. Over the next few rambling paragraphs … oh, who am I kidding? This blog post is gonna be long. I hope you brought snacks.

As I started writing this, I realized that there was no way I could fit this all into one blog and had to break it up into a series. I appreciate your patience!


Caveat: My goal for this blog series is to educate, not discourage. Getting a book published seems so very simple at first glance. It’s really, really not! But when you (like me) would rather be writing than pretty much doing any other thing, it’s worth it. As always, this is based on my limited experience and limited understanding. Your mileage may vary!


Different types of publishing

When you decide that you want to get your book published, what does that mean to you? There are lots of ways to publish.

Disclaimer: I’m a trad author, and a newbie at that. I speak in generalities here because there are a dozen exceptions to every rule and your experience may vary vastly from my own.

The main thing that you need to remember is Publishing Is A Business.

I get it, I really do. There’s a saying that writers write because they can’t not write. That’s true. Without writers, there would be no books to publish, and without readers, there is no need for books. But publishing exists to make money for publishers. It’s as simple as that.

It’s a lot like casinos. Some people go into casinos looking for entertainment. Others go in to win big. The only one that consistently makes money is the casino itself. IE the house always wins. As long as you know that’s the case and you walk in with your eyes open, you may win a little money. You might even win a lot of money. You might enjoy yourself. You might end up with a migraine.

Keeping with the casino theme for just a little longer than necessary, you have choices. You can play a round of cards with some friend for fun and maybe cash. You can go into one of those mega casinos with its uber-recognizable name in flashing lights that takes up the whole block. Or you could find something in between that is a perfect fit for you.

Publishing is the same. There are a lot of choices between self-publishing (taking on all the risks and expenses by yourself, but retaining full control and the majority of the profits) and traditional publishing with one of the Big 5 (access to a team of editors, marketers, designers, and booksellers on their terms and conditions). Either way, you can hit it big or walk away with empty pockets.

Do your research before deciding what path you want to pursue. Learn the pros and cons of each. Do the math.

Ahh I know what you’re thinking right now. No one ever told me that there would be math involved! Sorry, but writing and publishing is a business. You’re going to need to know math, marketing, design, scheduling…. the list goes on. In any event, if you decide to self-publish, the more money you can afford to put into your book (editing, cover design, advertising), the more it potentially sells. If you decide to traditionally publish, you might get an advance but then you have to budget it until you sell your next book and make your next advance.

No matter what path you take, a writer making it big isn’t *JUST* talent or *JUST* lucky. They had more than a good idea and a solid grasp of the written language. They had to write a book with sales appeal, have people that believe in it market it, and follow it up with (hopefully) more spectacular books. But without a little bit of luck (and pixie dust), you’re never getting out of the gate.


Danger Ahead – Turn Back Now

My friend, I’m not going to lie to you. Publishing is HARD. It can break your heart. It can break your spirit. And if you’re not careful, it can break your bank. There are no guarantees in this business. But if you want to see your book published more than anything else, it’s worth it.

Our brains are wired to remember things that hurt us so we can avoid that situation from happening to us again. And the publishing process – from rejections to nasty reviews from bitter trolls – can hurt. The secret to survival is rewiring your brain to remember the good things. CELEBRATE EVERY SUCCESS. A friend reads your sketchy first draft and tells you this doesn’t suck nearly as bad as they thought it would? CELEBRATE! An agent passes on representation but tells you they like your voice? CELEBRATE that you’re on the right track! An editor wants to buy your book but their boss nixed the deal? CELEBRATE that an editor likes you! You got a nice review? CELEBRATE! You hold your book for the first time? CELEBRATE YOUR ASS OFF!

You aren’t bragging. You’re celebrating. You deserve this.

And while you’re at it, you’re going to make relationships along the way and some of your new friends are gonna be more successful than you. They’re going to get endorsed by your favorite celebrity. They’re going to hit a best seller list and stay there. They’re getting their own Netflix series. Guess what you’re gonna do when that happens? You are gonna celebrate as hard and as loud as if that fantastic thing just happened to you. And when it does happen to you? They’re going to celebrate with you, too!



Thank you for joining us! The next blog, Part Two: You Are What You Read (Catching up with genre trends) will be released next week.

How To Break Into Publishing:

How To Break Into Publishing Part One: What Even is Publishing?