I’m slowly but surely moving all of my content from older websites and blogs here to OliviaBlacke.com. If you’re coming here from OliviaLeigh.com or https://oliviablacke.wordpress.com, please update your links.

Now sit a spell and let’s visit. Check out my latest news or browse through some writers resources. Of course, drop by and check on the puggle (she likes treats, do you have any?) Can I offer you a refreshing beverage? No, I can’t, because this is a website and while the internet is a great way to exchange ideas and collect kitten memes, it really is not an efficient conveyor of liquids. Which is a good thing, because the ice maker is on the fritz.

But don’t forget to hydrate!

#TheWriteLife #OliviaBlacke #killermystery

New Website, Who Dis?